Photo of Sara Nudler Argentina

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Telephone (011) 4432-7838 E Nudler AKERMAN SARA electronic personal Information Born in Argentina on August 23, 1948, where he currently resides Educacin Bachelor of Visual Arts , Instituto Universitario Nacional de Arte, Argentina Painting Workshops, Israel Bachelor artistic Xul Solar, Argentina Illustrated Poem Group Exhibitions 1998, 1998, Yukio Mishima Cultural Center 2001 Casa de San Juan in...

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Photo of Sara Nudler Argentina

Telephone (011) 4432-7838 E Nudler AKERMAN SARA electronic personal Information Born in Argentina on August 23, 1948, where he currently resides Educacin Bachelor of Visual Arts , Instituto Universitario Nacional de Arte, Argentina Painting Workshops, Israel Bachelor artistic Xul Solar, Argentina Illustrated Poem Group Exhibitions 1998, 1998, Yukio Mishima Cultural Center 2001 Casa de San Juan in Buenos Aires Shared Values II version, Drawing, Painting and Engraving, French Alliance Plastic Arts Exhibition of XXI Century, Drawing and Painting, Teacher Alliance Française 2002, Drawing, Painting and Ceramics, Museum of Fine Arts Quinquela Martn Plastic Arts Exhibition Casa de San Luis in Buenos Aires 2002 Paintings and Tapestries 7 Collective exhibition, Catholic University of Salta pictorial space, Paints & Wallcoverings, Paints Museo Social Argentino, Sociedad Argentina de Escritores Arts Visually, Casa de San Juan in Buenos Aires 7 Collective exhibition of paintings and tapestries, Catholic University of Salta, Buenos Aires 2003 based Visual Arts I, College of Notaries of the City of Buenos Aires Visual Arts, Cultural Center Institute Cardinal Ferrari 2004 Group Show Women's Christian Association of Buenos Aires, Blue House Cultural Center Visual Arts Gallery of Art VIII SMATA Visual Arts Exhibition, Dante Alighieri Association Visual Arts Exhibition, Association of Actors Bringing Argentina the Community Arts, Diab, Institute of Comprehensive Diabetes Care Salons (jury selection) 2001 New Figuracin VII National Salon, Gallery of Nations, 2003 Diploma of Honor Salon Painting Painting Medium Format Edea, Meebo, 2004 II International Competition Selection of Plastic Arts in Buenos Aires Web 2004, Gallery of Nations, 1st. Mention Painting IV Bienal de Arte Buenos Aires Interdisciplinary 2004, Gallery of Nations, 1st. Mention Artexpresion Painting Competition, International Liteco 2004, Buenos Aires Museo Social Argentino, Latin Selection of Artists Exhibition 2004, competition 2004,, Selection 2005 National Visual Arts Salon, Galley Theo Arts, Selection

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